nothing too interesting happened today besides 4hrs of vigorous psych reading with chris, so I’ll go on to a topic I’ve been inspired my alphabons and n0rybic to talk about: drinking.
I’ve been told by alphabons that drinking wasn’t meant for Asians because instead of getting drunk, we get sick. A few days ago, n0rybic came upon me and said he felt sick after drinking and didn’t get the desired feeling everyone was boasting about. Here’s a summary of what goes on inside your body after you drink:
Metabolizing alcohol is a 2 step process. Alcohol -> ADH -> Acetic acid, which after your body flushes it out of your body. The feeling of drunk or getting high from drinking occurs during the first conversion. Asians have a gene which speeds up this process and converts all the alcohol into ADH rapidly. Therefore, many Asians have a very short period where they’re actually feeling high from drinking. ADH is a toxin and because of the rapid conversion, we have a high build up of ADH inside our body which causes us to be sick. Therefore, if you’re asian and don’t feel good after drinking, that’s normal because as some would say it, “It’s part of our genes.”
The above can be supported by this article: Metabolism of Ethyl Alcohol in the Body
Talking about drinking, I remember what my friend milkmandan says about doing drugs. He says the drug you should do if you don’t want to be caught is acid. LSD, cocaine, marijuana, shrooms, and all other drugs all enter the bloodstream so if they do a blood test, you’d definitely be caught. Acid on the other hand does not enter your blood stream but into your bones. The cool thing about acid is that after you feel high the first time and u wake up the next morning, give your back a little crack and all the acid will come out and it’s getting high all over again. Hehe. I just found that to be a very amusing info.