!!! Congrats Michelle & Earl !!!
LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:25:42 PM): neato!
LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:48 PM): yup
Krunk4Ever (5:31:08 PM): what’s was earl’s reply?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:03 PM): lolz well michelle knelt down and asked him…and when she stand back up, earl bent on his knee and said “yes i will”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:08 PM): everyone was like “awww”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:27 PM): @@ oh yes he got flowers too
Krunk4Ever (5:32:58 PM): nice
Krunk4Ever (5:33:29 PM): thanks 🙂
LsiymLe kooLx (5:33:32 PM): np
Krunk4Ever (5:36:58 PM): she or he got flowers?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:37:08 PM): michelle gave him flowers
Krunk4Ever (5:30:17 PM): LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:30:20 PM): true?
el band monkey (5:35:14 PM): YES!!
Krunk4Ever (5:35:17 PM): wow
el band monkey (5:35:19 PM): TOTALLY CRAZY
el band monkey (5:35:31 PM): it was like…”sorry for this interruption, but is earl kaing in the crowd”
el band monkey (5:35:35 PM): and she had flowers
el band monkey (5:35:41 PM): and got on her knees to ask
el band monkey (5:40:21 PM): it made the whole crowd roar
Krunk4Ever (5:40:39 PM): “awesomely cool!”
el band monkey (5:41:02 PM): who is that anyways…up there?
Krunk4Ever (5:41:10 PM): my sister
el band monkey (5:41:37 PM): how cute
el band monkey (5:41:43 PM): big bro, little sis
Krunk4Ever (5:41:55 PM): haha
(further comments from the actual Michelle and Earl will be posted later)
For those that are bored, I’ve updated DotPhoto with 2 more stories. I hope you guys will enjoy them. A little bit of cruel humor involved, but not too much.
I just found out I flunked my Psych midterm #2. Once again, I am lost. I got a 27/50. The mean was 35.5 and the standard deviation was 5. Something just doesn’t make sense. Mechy and I studied 10x harder than we did for the last midterm and we still got the same score. Actually Mechy got lower than his previous midterm and we’re both disappointed. This logic doesn’t work! Doesn’t Study + Hard work = good grades or at least a pass? We actually found that Study + Hard work = Lazy + Last minute cram (what we did 1st semester). Class is fun, but teacher makes the worse midterms ever!!!
Today was my suitemate Liam’s bday. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM~ the girls down in 7a20 threw a surprise party for him and I took 140+ pictures which I’ll be posting soon. I wonder if I can make up a story for it. Hehe. G’nite guys.
Oooooh, the MK seniors are coming up tomorrow for calday. One question: how are they going to find me? How am I going to find them? That’s 2 questions actually, but it’s 4:30am after hours of dancing and I have apartment appointments tomorrow. Hehe.