Project Mischief

guess, what! I got myself another Hikaru no Go episode! Woohoo!!! Didn’t do much today. Mechy came over and we study psych some more. I have somewhat of a project going on right now. Still in process, nothing big, but I’ll let you guys know how it turns out. It’s called Project Mischief.

Talking about mischief, (I’ll use fake names again so they can remain anonymous). Mono and several friends wanted *something*. Well, what’s the best way to do it so it can involve the whole DC? Mono decided to instigate two suites which are big rivals by sending them a “declaration of war” to taunt them. How to pull this off Mono thought. Well, I’ll need somebody to do the dirty job. I think I’ll ask Hippo. Hippo agreed without hesitation to help. Hippo had no idea what he was getting himself into. After creating the perfect taunts, hippo delivers the message secretively. His covert op was a success! Until… both parties united. Who in the world would know that two rival suites can unite!!?!! They barge into hippo’s suite and found the evidence of the “war declaration” and now both suites are against hippo. Hippo calls Mono for backup, but Mono is going to get back to Hippo later. Hippo tries to contact the enemies, but all he got was swear words, threats, and a lot of cussing. Hippo’s shaking in his bed right now. The enemies were banging on the door, yelling @ hippo to open up, shooting stuff @ his window. What should Hippo do??? Give out the boss behind the stage (mono was extremely smart in choosing hippo as his ‘you know what’), or hold back until reinforcements arrived. I wonder if hippo can survive this…

++Hippo is sick.

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