due to the recent cheap webhosting provided by CyberWings, my cousin and I decided that we should take advantage of it and serve anime! my original account krunk4ever.com only costs me $3.95/yr. Here’s what I have:
view report | 550MB of webspace & 30GB of traffic. I’m nowhere near these numbers as you can see in the report. With 550MB, I can probably host 2 anime episodes, each about 200mb. I also bought 2 more accounts (it was buy 1 get 1 free, each with 330MB w/ 18GB of traffic) for only $8/yr together. Now i just need to decide on 2 more domain names so I can activate my accounts. nice eh? That’s why I NEED YOUR HELP (yes I mean YOU!) to help me decide on some good domain names!
today while playing with my admin settings, i happen to learn what the web user fucnction was. it’s very similar to your college web account or yahoo/angelfires where I can create user accounts with the following URL: http://www.krunk4ever.com/~youraliashere. It comes with FTP support and just shares my space/traffic which there’s no way I can really finish. ^_^x
Links have been updated with more friends’ sites.