women beware! you’re in for a scare! the new facisnating invention by FemMed has now allowed women to urinate STANDING UP! This is no joke! Come on up and give it a try. No more long lines anywhere, easily disposable, and MUCH MUCH MORE! We currently have a demonstration just for you! j/k. hehe anyway, i found this to be really hilarious. thanks to yellowfiero for donation this link: FemMed Inc. – The Stand Up™ People.
finally did my laundry today. whew! glad that’s over with.
Hikaru no Go – 47 was released yesterday (finally!!!). it’s been atleast 2 weeks. =(. anyway the story is getting even exciting now cause Hikrau is going to battle the MAN, and Sai is… well, don’t really want to ruin the story for you guys. i’m left hanging here too. i want to read the manga, however, if i do, then the anime itself no longer has any meaning to watch. i’ll just watch the anime and read the manga later. hehe. ^_^x
btw, for those who are going to Laura’s party this friday, it’s been rescheduled to the following friday or until further notice. ^_^x