today was a somewhat laid back day. was originally set for studying, but i guess that got canceled. ;p went to barney’s for dinner with liam, lydia, and cunndogg. during dinner, somehow My Sassy Girl was brought up and we decided to go home and mix up some drinks (obviously not for me) and watch it. fantasy has been boasting about how great this movie is being the #2 seller in Korea after Titanic. Movie was in fact pretty good. If you like asian drama (yes that includes chinese, japanese, and korean) drama, you’ll like this. ^_^x
just read this in “Psychology Today” (a magazine i have no recollection of subscribing to, but it outta be free cause i personally never pay for magazines): HOW DO STUDENTS COPE WITH PROCRASTINATION? THEY LIE. personally most of my hw doesnt really have ‘someone’ to collect it, so i don’t really ‘need’ an excuse. does that put me in a better or worse situation? hehe. i’ve gotta say, besides Popular Science, Time, and Newsweek, this is one of the better magazines i’ve ever laid hands upon. ^_^x
oh well, study session tomorrow. g’nite ^_^zzz