So some more interesting I found.
Someone posted on /. about Petals Around The Rose. I was first introduced this game by my brother. I think I solved the game after the 2nd roll, though it was so simple! But I can definitely see why it may be difficult to pick up if you don’t see it immediately. If you’ve never played this game, you might not want to read this article: Bill Gates and Petals Around the Rose. Funny thing about Bill, he began to get answers right, but not consistently. He admitted that he was remembering throws he’d seen before, along with the answers, but had no plausible theory to account for answers. Remembering? Wow, first time I’ve heard someone brute forcing Petals Around The Rose.
So there is a riddle on that wwu site in my previous post asking if you think:
0.9999… < 1
0.9999… = 1
0.9999… > 1
You may want to read this thread. A lot of discussion on which is correct. If something converges as it approaches infinity, does it mean it equals that? One thing I hated about 0.9999… was that I could never represent that in fraction. For example.
0.1111… = 1/9
0.2222… = 2/9
0.3333… = 3/9
0.8888… = 8/9
0.9999… = 9/9?
But if that’s the case, does that mean 0.9999… = 1? They’ve proved that on multiple reasonings which I feel is fairly accurate, though I personally never really believed limits really ever reached the # (that’s why they were called limits), it just gets closer and closer, but I’ll concede that 0.9999… = 1.
One neat trick about these repeating digits is that there is always a easy way to convert them to fractions which I figured back in elementary school. Let’s say you have n repeating digits. All you have to do is put those n digits above n 9’s. For example, 0.123456123456123456… = 123456/999999.
Riddles are way too addicting. I should be play Fable!!! It’s 6am too! sigh…