So you can chat, flirt, and even marry people in Fable. They actually have a cut scene that shows you getting married and some narator telling you that for one day, you don’t have to worry about any problems. Welp, according to ungsunghero, it turns out you can have sex with them too! You don’t see anything, but you hear the wife scream “YES! YES!” I personally haven’t gotten it to work. According to ungsunghero, I have to give the wife presents and gems and stuff. I gave a few, but gave up after a bit because it just wasn’t worth it. Supposedly after the sex, you get gold or items, but I’d rather spend my time training than trying to convince my wife to have sex with me. Also I found out through ungsunghero that you can have a wife in each town that you have a house in. I currently own 2 houses and have 2 wifes. I wonder what’ll happen if I try to marry another woman in the same town. There are two beds… ;p
After reading that, I pasted this article from /. to ungsunghero: Out-of-this-world sex could jeopardise missions. He thought we were still talking about Fable, and I could clearly see how the title could be misleading after a chat about Fable. NASA plans to return astronauts to the Moon by 2018 and later on to Mars. But a round-trip mission to the Red Planet would probably last at least 30 months and carry six to eight people. That would be a hotbed for intense crew relationships, says a report by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS). … Palinkas says long-term space missions may be similar to extended periods in the isolated and confined environments of Antarctic research stations. He says crews in those stations often pair up in “bachelor marriages” that last the length of their stay – or less. “If there are instances of sexual conflict or infidelity, that may lead to a breakdown in crew functioning,” he told New Scientist. 30 months w/o sex. Someone on /. commented on how anyone can remain healthy and functional w/o having sex for 30 months. Another person responded that as a married man, he could tell you it’s possible.
Random Crap:
The Million Dollar Homepage (from MS distribution list) – some kid needs money for college tution and puts up this site selling ads. This guy’s made BANK so far. Read about it @ the I4U Review.
A Taste of Home Turns Bitter Over Mall Project (from ungsunghero) – I have no problems of new stores trying to come into Monterey Park. In fact, I was in support of that new mall project they were going to build in the southern parts of MPK. Though what I’m not in support of is governments abusing their power and using the eminent domain clause to take land and property back from owners so they can in turn sell it to the bigger franchises so more taxes can be generated.
Wal-Mart heiress in cheat probe returns diploma (from CDMCC) – Elizabeth Paige Laurie’s name was on a sports arena when a former University of Southern California roommate alleged the Wal-Mart heiress paid her $20,000 to do her homework. Now it isn’t even on a USC diploma. $20,000 to do one year of homework… worth it?