So I watched Fantastic Four the movie a few days ago. Don’t ask me why, I was bored. You can watch the trailer here. The movie was pretty bad as everyone said it was, but it was a mindless movie that didn’t require much thinking, though I did get irritated on changes from the original comic book series.
First of all, Dr. Doom was never exposed to radiation. All his super powers were derived from his scientific researches. He did not have natural super powers like the Fantastic Four. Second, I don’t think Ben Grimm (The Thing) ever got to change back. In the movie, he changed back to human form and changed back to The Thing after realizing his friends need his help. If that was the case, I’d transform when I need to be The Thing and transform back when I’m not in need. Though it was pretty sweet to hear him say, “It’s Clobbering Time!“. Another thing that was unclear was the usage of Invisible Girl’s forcefield. I don’t remember her ever using it to attack much with, but that was basically all she used it for. Also to enclose the fire to keep it from spreading, which brings up another interesting point: Does her forcefield allow oxygen to go in? If it doesn’t what kept the human torch’s flame on (at the end of the movie). Given it’s a comic series, I guess there are laws that can be broken.
Two interesting quotes from the movie included when Dr. Doom ask Reeds (Mr. Fantastic) if he knew what happened to rubber and super cool temperatures. The answer was obvious where it cracked easily. But then at the end of the movie, Reeds returned with a question asking if Dr. Doom knew what happened to hot metal cooled a rapid speed. My question is where there be a different between hot metal cooled rapidly or hot metal cooled slowly? I couldn’t imaging that rapid cooling would do anything much like exploding (which didn’t occur). Did he mean that the shape would change? But that only really requires the metal to be really hot. Why was the cooling involved. To ruin the ending, it turned out Dr. Doom got stuck in a position and couldn’t move anymore. But given enough time, that was going to happen no matter what.