So my colleagues and I had our weekly poker game today. It was quite exciting and I actually won money, though I lost my initial $10 buy in, and when I bought in a 2nd time, I got my initial $10 back and actually made an extra $2. The winner of this week’s game was Derek leaving with $18 in his pocket.
During our game, several of us got hungry and decided to order pizza. However, after an hour, the pizza deliver guy still didn’t arrive, so we gave the Pizza place a call and they told us that it was going to be here in a minute. You see, after losing my initial $10 buy-in, my contingency to continue playing was that pizza was going to come or else we were going out to get food anyway, so there was no point to buy back in now. So after the call, I bought back in, and within 10 minutes I had actually made up back the initial $10 lost, which I guess was a good thing to buy back in, but it could’ve as easily gone the other way too. After 10mins, the pizza still did not arrive. This time they asked for his phone #, which they didn’t bother asking on the earlier call which led us to believe that the guy on the other end just made up the expected delivery time. So we pull the we’re going to cancel card and they offered the pizza to us for free. Of course we couldn’t reject an offer like that, though we should’ve since when we started to eat the pizza, it was actually pretty bad. The max we agreed that we’d pay for a large pizza like this was $2-3. Anyway, we did tip the driver after he confirmed with the pizza parlor that we were indeed getting our pizza for free.
Random Crap:
I just got the most interesting IM just a few minutes ago: (screen name removed to protect the user’s privacy)
Anonymous: i love you
Anonymous: whooops
Anonymous: wrong person
At this point I get a pop up if I want to receive message from this person which I haven’t chatted with in years. And when I saw that, I was like wo… I can understand that if a close friend says that or if someone I helped recently said that, but not someoen I haven’t seen or heard from for years. But I found it extremely hilarious that someone could say “I Love You” to the incorrect person. So our chat continues:
Anonymous: nah, jk
Krunk4Ever: haha
Krunk4Ever: long time no chat
Krunk4Ever: what’s up?
Anonymous: nah i love u anyways
Anonymous: nothing much
Anonymous: who is this
Anonymous: this is not (name of friend)
Anonymous: so fu
Krunk4Ever: oh i see…
Anonymous: eat tofu
Anonymous: bye
Krunk4Ever: cya
So yesterday, I got in my email my 2 Blingo iTunes Gift Certificates. Pretty sweet. You know, I have not spent 1 single penny on iTunes yet. My 1st $10 in iTunes was a present from Liam and I still have like $4.xx in my balance. Now I’ll have $24.xx. =)
The new Yahoo! Maps is finally out! Still in beta though, but it looks pretty nice. Doesn’t have the Satellite Imagery mode yet, but it’s released a lot of its APIs for developers which is a really nice gesture for anyone that wants to have mapping software for their website.
A really hilarious cross between Azumanga Diaoh and Final Fantasy 7 (from artemyst)
TransMedia Glide – Effortless (from /.) – sounds like an interesting service they’ll be providing. However, 50MB is a bit low on space for the free account. Only time can tell if this service would be any good.
What is Glide?
Glide is effectively twelve software and service environments integrated in a single online application, providing powerful creation, communication, sharing and ecommerce features only made possible by Glide’s integration and online compatibility.Glide’s twelve integrated environments include Glide Photos, Glide Music, Glide Video, Glide Docs, Glide AllMedia, Glide Contacts, Glide Calendar, Glide Timeline (Glide’s action oriented search engine), Glide Mail, Glide Cast (video, audio and text conferencing), Glide Share and Glide Shops.
Glide is browser based, and supports all major platforms (PC, Mac, Linux) and all major browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera). No software installation or configuration is necessary to preview and share media and communicate.
Consumers just log on to’s built in trans-coding engines creates universal compatibility between users by automatically creating streaming browser-based previews of virtually all major document, image, audio and video file types imported.
“TransMedia’s emphasis on compatibility and integration have produced incredible capabilities that are simply unavailable from other software vendors,” said TransMedia Chairman and CEO Donald Leka. For example, Glide users can share and experience music playlists, video playlists, product information and ads in real time with anyone that has a browser and an internet connection by simply dragging and dropping these assets into a video or text conference.
It’s been more than 20 years since the desktop has been completely overhauled. The last time was back in 1984 with the introduction of Apple’s Macintosh computer operating system. TransMedia is turning the Desktop on its head with a new patent pending user interface: the Glide Action Bubble™ and Active Feedback Screen.
Glide is designed to be accessible on any device: PC, cell phone, PDA and set top box. In an effort to provide a consistent and simple interface across devices, Glide’s proprietary navigation system replaces traditional menu lists, toolbars and top, left, right and bottom navigation. Glide replaces traditional navigation concepts with the Glide Action Bubble linked to Glide’s Active Feedback Screen, which provides users with continuous feedback. Users simply hover and an action bubble appears displaying only the options available.
Glide is scheduled to be launched to the consumer market on November 15th for the PC version and will be available at The Mac version will be available on Christmas Day, December 25th.
TransMedia is transforming the economics of software and online services. There are three packages for consumers:
1) Glide Premium: $9.95 monthly / 99.95 annually – includes all 12 environments with 2GB of storage
2) Glide Standard: $4.95 monthly / $49.95 annually – includes all environments (except video and audio conferencing) with 750MB of storage
3) Glide Free: Includes Glide Mail, Glide Contacts, Glide Shops, Glide Photos, Glide Music, Glide Video & Glide Docs with 50MB of storage