Mad World

A quite interesting flash video given to me by deadlock: Mad World Collab. At first I thought it was just a compilations of random flash videos to fit the music, but apparently they’re all created for this flash video, but different authors I’m supposing. The song played was taken from the Donnie Darko (Score). It was titled Mad World by Gary Jules. You can listen to a sample here. The original Mad World song was sang by Tears For Fear. You can listen to a sample of it here. I personally like Gary Jules version a lot more, but maybe because it’s softer and utilizes a piano.

According to deadlock, apparently many of the scenes were taken from Donnie Darko and the movie was highly recommended by him. IMDB gave it a 8.3, so I guess I’ll be checking out the movie sometime soon.

Random Crap:

New IM worm chats with intended victims (from /.) – A new worm that targets users of America Online’s AOL Instant Messenger is believed to be the first that actually chats with the intended victim to dupe the target into activating a malicious payload, IM security vendor IMlogic warned Tuesday. According to IMlogic, the worm, dubbed IM.Myspace04.AIM, has arrived in instant messages that state: “lol thats cool” and included a URL to a malicious file “clarissa17.pif.” When unsuspecting users have responded, perhaps asking if the attachment contained a virus, the worm has replied: “lol no its not its a virus“, IMlogic said. A similar article on Ars Technica: New virus chats with you on AOL IM. I guess if you ever see me sending you a *.pif link, DO NOT CLICK IT!

Work bores Japan’s young, many want to quit-surveyAlmost three-quarters of Japanese in their 20s and 30s have no motivation when it comes to their jobs and half would quit if they had the chance, a survey has found. Sounds quite like what happened in Serenity. I guess one day, they’ll just lay down and stop eating and breathing.

Woman Allegedly Hires Hit Man for CheeseIn an unusual case of mistaken identity, a woman who thought a block of white cheese was cocaine is charged with trying to hire a hit man to rob and kill four men. The woman also was mistaken about the hit man. He turned out to be an undercover police officer. Wow! What a chain of events. Mistakening a block of cheese for cocaine, then hiring a hitman, only to find out the hitman you hired was an undercover police! What a bad day for this lady…

Square Wheel Car Propels Itself by Shifting Weight – Possible MEMS LocomotionThe first prototype consisted of a car with 4 square wheels, in the general configuration of a typical car, with all 4 wheels mechanically connected together so they must all turn in unison. Furthermore, the rotational orientation of the wheels are sequentially off-set from one wheel to the next by 22.5° (¼ of 90°), moving around the vehicle in a CW or CCW direction as viewed from above. It’s an interesting idea until you see the demonstration and how unsmooth the movement is. You can check out the video demonstration here. Along with that, there was this link: Riding on Square WheelsStan Wagon, a mathematician at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., has a bicycle with square wheels. It’s a weird contraption, but he can ride it perfectly smoothly. His secret is the shape of the road over which the wheels roll. Now this is actually very interesting. Because the shape of the road, it allows different shape wheels as long the point on any corner of the wheel creates semi-circular humps.

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