Derek invited a bunch of us from work to have a small fun get together before everyone heads of for vacation for Christmas. It was really nice, warm, and FUN! There were tons of interesting food and lots of people showed up. More than I had expected. We just chilled. There were also hard alcohol and tons of people got drunk. Tekman made me try his Manhattan and it was so gross!
Derek had setup a Home Theater PC with Windows XP Media Center Edition (which I’ll be installing this winter on my own Home Theater PC). Derek’s songs got boring and DW logged into his Napster account. It was actually pretty neat and only costs $10/month, but it was perfect for parties like this. Asaf was dedicated song chooser and we went through many 80’s songs followed by OHW (one-hit wonders). It was pretty crazy when everyone started to sing along. Too bad I suck at remember lyrics. ;p Near the end of the party, O-Zone’s Dragostea din Tei came on the Media Center PC and everyone was dancing crazy to that song.
At the end of the party, Tekman played a song: Mephiskapheles – Bumble Bee Tuna (whole song provided by At first I didn’t get what a bumblebee tuna sandwich was, then I was told Bumblebee was a brand of tuna. However, several suggested there was a deeper meaning to the song and the word cunninglingus slipped from Tekman’s mouth. For some reason, no one would tell me what that word meant, but Tekman told me he’d tell me at work the following day. However, he broke his promise and I had to urbandictionary the word when I got home today. Now I see why no one would tell me what it meant. But even after looking at the lyrics, I still don’t get how the song is related to cunninglingus.
So once again, thanks Derek and Shannah for hosting such a wonderful party!
Added 3 new links under my Friend’s category:
evilkashi, davidwas, and derekdc, all photo galleries of my co-workers. I’m also in evilkashi’s CSD Holiday Party, December 2005 which I spoke of back a week ago: