I watched The Weather Man a few days ago. Movie was pretty boring to be honest. IMDb users did give it a 7.3 rating though. You can watch the trailer here. Movie moved rather slow and it was basically some guy trying to revive a broken family. The guy himself has a lot of problems too.
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The movie stars Nicolas Cage as the weather man making over $200,000 a year. He probably spends 2 hrs a day working (including preping and airing). Pretty darn good salary. However, his wife and him are divorced and they have 2 kids, a son that just came out of drug rehabilitation and a daughter who’s overweight and wears skin-tight pants. You later learn that kids call the daughter names like camel toe. When the dad confronted the daughter about this, he asked her if she knew what the phrase meant, and she replied that it means she’s tough because camel toes have to walk all over the burning hot dessert. That line was probably the best line of the entire movie.
Nick’s father was a very renowned man, written several famous books and was even friends with President Jimmy Carter. However, in this movie, you find out he is diagnose with something (I forget) and that he only has a few months to live. Nick wants to prove to his father that he is something before he dies and attempts to revive the family.
You later learn that Nick and his wife broke up because of tartar sauce. Or maybe their marriage was already hanging by a thread and the tartar sauce was what pushed it over. Anyway, the short version of the story is they order take out, the wife repeated reminds him to get tartar sauce. Nick tells her to back off and stop busting his balls. So as he’s walking toward the restaurant in the freezing cold, he’s repeating tartar sauce in his head time after time and tries to stay warm. Suddenly at an intersection, a girl with a nice butt stands in front of him waiting for the light to turn green. His mind leaves the tartar sauce and starts thinking about the girl’s nice butt. When he gets to the restaurant, he’s totally forgotten about the tartar sauce. When he gets home, the wife asks where the tartar sauce was and Nick makes up a lie and says they ran out. The wife doesn’t believe him and calls the restaurant. So that was how they ended up getting a divorce.
So Nick wants to resurrect their marriage and takes his ex-wife to a marriage counseling/training thing which attempts to help the couples bond and develop trust. At first, things were going well, but things started to change when the counselor asked them to think about one thing they did that affected their partner but he/she was not proud of. Nick goes and raises his hand and speaks out that he watched porn and masterbated to it. Everyone is giving him funny looks and the counselors tells him that she wants them to write it on a piece of paper, fold it up, give it to your partner, and your partner will never open it. That is trust. Of course Nick opens it and finds out that his ex-wife found the book he’s been writing for the past 4 years boring. He later confronts her about this at the restaurant, and she calls him a champion fuck. Haha. So she in turn decides to open Nick’s message and he apparently wrote that her BJs lacked enthusiasm. Does that even qualify to the original topic? Anyway, Noreen, his ex-wife, says her BJs lacked enthusiasm was because she hated Nick and that was why she lacked enthusiasm when his cock was in her mouth.
Anyway, the story goes on. Nick’s father has a living funeral and there’s a black out in the middle of Nick’s speach which he never got to finish.
Noreen decides she’s going to marry some guy who I don’t really know how he plays into the story besides that he was there when she was down.
His son gets involved with a pedophile, and things actually start turning good for Nick at this point. He believes in his son and goes there punches the shit out of the guy, who claims Nick’s son damaged his property. Do remember, his son has a history of drug usage (not sure if it was pot or cigarettes), but his word doesn’t hold much credit.
He got into shooting arrows. It started with his daughter wanting to learn how to shoot arrows, but all she really wanted to do was shoot at moving animals, which he didn’t approve. She gave up, but he continued to train.
He got the job at Hello America and his annual salary increased to over $1million. However, the story wasn’t that much of a happy ending. He and his wife never got back together. He did get along better with his children.