We were supposed to get Firday off, but due to some build problems, what we expected to start testing on Tuesday, ended up to the point where we could only start testing on Friday. This was also the first time I saw my lead so pissed that he actually used f********* in an email. Though I haven’t been there quite as long, my other teammates said this was the first time they’ve seen him that angry. My lead is a pretty laid back guy and to see him that upset actually scared me.
Anyway, this extra day off is to compensate for the extra weekends we came in to work. I’m happy, though I have been working 10-12hr days this week. I got in before 10 this morning and left at 9 something. We did hold a morale event for the team this Thursday and we went bowling again. My scores for the 3 games were 91, 118, and 67. My 3rd game was horrible. My 1st 4 boxes were: X 1 X 0. But our team did manage to get a free lunch by winning the 2nd round. The description was iffy, but the rule was a decent place, no fast food, but no Met either (Met = Metropolitan Grill, apparently the best steak house in Seattle).
But I’m glad this RC0 push for InfoCard is finally over. We also got a new teammate and he’ll be helping me on the UI aspect which I’ve been lagging. Yay!