Comments on: Funky Cat Maybe After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth. Wed, 02 Dec 2015 02:53:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: otakusensei Wed, 02 Dec 2015 02:53:01 +0000 THANKS so much for making this available!

Had this video on an older computer and hadn’t seen this video in years. The way I downloaded it was that on the page that the link sends us to, I had to save the webpage, then when it was downloaded go into the folder and find the largest file in there, and it was the video that I’ve been wanting to watch for a very long time.

– Hope that helps anyone that’s been having problems downloading the video itself, as the mp3 was downloaded easy normally as far as I was concerned. I hadn’t seen the video in such a long time that I even forgot what it was called, but I’m glad I figured it out, and that the Funky Cat Maybe video and mp3 made a crappy day a whole lot better!

THANK YOU again!!!

By: red Tue, 16 Jul 2013 01:24:19 +0000 In reply to ToxicCookie.

it’s on youtube

By: Krunk Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:29:56 +0000 In reply to Vivian Erikson.

Interesting. Thanks!

By: Vivian Erikson Mon, 14 Feb 2011 05:16:56 +0000 I finally found the lyrics! As it turns out, the singer has a very thick Japanese accent that makes his English sound like jibberish. The lyrics are below, and hopefully are correct.

First the end trouble you studied many
Even tomorrow will make efforts
Day sets and the time of the under school,
Stepping on the shadow that grow I will come back cheerfully
However, I wait a little bit, I see the surroundings, is not it strange something?
The thing that attached to the head be what?
The thing that protruded prettily be what?
Be careful! Fellows are coming to there.
Escape early! Fellows are next to you.
Do it! Attach the [either he says “ear”, or “something”] of a cat!
Do it! Attach the [same as above] of a cat!
[The Chorus-y Part]
Raise both hands! (Highly toward the sky!)
Raise both hands! (More highly toward the sky!)
Raise both hands! (Highly toward the sky!)
Raise both hands! (More highly toward the sky!)

After the odd instrumental, it repeats the same way. Hope this helps for anyone who was wondering!

By: BFG_FTW Tue, 19 Jan 2010 01:21:25 +0000 I think only the one girls eyes were open because she was the leader of them. To show importance and make her stand out a bit more I think. It kinda gave her more of a sense of conciousness then the rest of them I found too.

By: tuffyaoigrrl Sun, 21 Oct 2007 17:02:22 +0000 Alright. It just didn’t work last night for some reason. Thank you very much.

By: Krunk Sun, 21 Oct 2007 01:54:41 +0000 The video is in my gallery (as noted above). Just click the “Download movie” link. You may have to stop the video from playing before you can download it. You also have the option to stream it.

As for the mp3 link, it still works… Unless you clicked on the link from a different website, in which could be the problem because I prevent hot-linking.

By: tuffyaoigrrl Sun, 21 Oct 2007 01:47:44 +0000 can you reupload it again? I can’t seem to download it…

boty the mp3 and the video.

By: Krunk Wed, 22 Nov 2006 06:29:10 +0000 Updated the post with a higher quality streaming version in my Gallery and also the original version.

//krunk (^_^x)

By: ToxicCookie Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:20:09 +0000 Could you please re-upload the video I would be forever grateful if you could, Crapidshare has deleted it.
