Despite the movie being hilarious, it was quite disturbing to see Pierce Brosnan act feminine, though I guess that was one of the things that made the movie so funny. Saw this movie earlier this week and the ending sorta surprised me. See spoilers.
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IMDb: 7.3/10 (3,526 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: RATING: FRESH / READING: 75%
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack
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Movie is about Julian, a corporate hitman, who’s skilled at taking out the competition against the people who hire him. Then comes Danny, a troubled businessman who may lose his job to a local competition. Julian was a lonely man, and Danny was stressed. Julian needed a friend, and Danny needed someone to open to. In a way, they sorta complimented each other.
I mean, with that starting plot, one sort of must assumed what was going to happen…
So story goes on, they split up. Julian continues his assigments and Danny got the job. But Julian began to have 2nd thoughts. He was burnt out and his mind was starting to play tricks on him. He keeps seeing himself on his target’s face. Soon he wanted out, but his boss won’t let him and decides to kill him.
Julian can now only turn to his one and only friend: Danny. He tells Danny that his boss said if he’d do one more job, he’d let him go. Danny was reluctant to help him at first, but Julian yells, “You owe me one.”
So one must wonder what he meant by that… And who’s this last guy Julian has to kill? You’ll find out if you watch it.