The true story of Red Riding Hood. This movie basically took a 15 minute fairy tale and made it 80 minutes. The animation was a bit weak compared to Pixar and Dreamworks, but once you start getting into the storyline, you enjoy the little magic it brings out and the craziness when they turn the story inside out.
Official Site
IMDb: 6.8/10 (1,953 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C+ / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: RATING: ROTTEN / READING: 46%
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack
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The way they managed to extend the story is to actually hear the different sides of the story. You have the main story from Red (Riding Hood), then you get to hear the Wolf’s story, followed by the Lumberman, and finally the Granny.
The main plot of the story now resides in the fact there is a criminal mastermind called “The Bandit” who has been stealing all the recipes from goodies (sweets) shops. And the other versions of the story revolve around this.
Not wanting to spoil too much more, lets just say the wolf isn’t the bad guy in this story.