Apparently a ringer can mean a contestant entered dishonestly into a competition. Movie was pretty silly and I probably could’ve spent my time elsewhere. I sort of started multi-tasking midway through the movie.
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Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating 41% / Average Rating: 4.9/10
Apple Trailer DVD
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Movie’s about a guy who’s been looking to get higher up the ladder, got it, but his first assignment was to fire a janitor. He didn’t have the heart to fire him, so he told him that he could help him mow his lawn for $400/wk + health benefits. But then Stavi (the janitor) accidentally chopped off 3 of his fingers and Stevee (or Steve) felt so bad that he said he was going to come up with the money ($28,000) somehow to get his fingers stitched back.
Somehow it ended up his uncle came in and he planned to rig the special olympics. At first he was totally against it, but when the guilt of Stavi not ever getting his fingers back started to weigh on him, he caved. Of course the pretty lady volunteer also helped him make the decision.
Life was difficult trying to make friends with “special” people, but after they figured out he was a fake, and he explained why he was here, they became friends. Everyone also seemed to have a grudge against Jimmy, the consecutive gold winner for the past 6 years, but why they didn’t like him was never really explained. One can just assumed because Jimmy was a show off.
You knew the ending was either going to be whacked or sad, since I found it ultra difficult for the Stevee (or Jeffy – his “special” name) to come back from being special and lying to the girl and being able to get her to like him in the end.
Welp this movies turned out to be whacked anyway, but I’ll let you watch it to figure out how the ending turned out.
What never got explained was how he was able to take a week off from work to enter the special olympics. Also, how much was he making to be able to pay $400/wk ($20,800/yr) to some janitor to mow his lawn, but not enough for him to come up with $28,000 to help stitch the fingers back together.