Saw this movie a few days ago. Well, not even really seeing, since I jumped around when it started to get boring. Movie was short and silly, provided just enough entertainment that I didn’t just go and turn it off.
Official Site
IMDb: 4.5/10 (1,106 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C- / Yahoo! Users: C+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 14% / Average Rating: 3.7/10
Apple Trailer DVD
Spoilers: (Show)
Martin Lawrence is a great college basketball couch bring a particular college team to championship 3x. However, he has a very bad tantrum and attitude whenever something doesn’t go his way.
The NCAA decided to ban him, but his manager pointed out that in the NCAA rule book, in order to ban a coach, they need to give him a chance to redeem himself. So he goes back to his roots back in High School and his manager suggests that he coaches for free, which he accepts. This would give him major PR.
At first he was non-chalant about the whole thing and just sat around doing nothing, but when he was embarrassed by people reporting how bad his team was, he started to get twitchy and when they weren’t going to hire him back because of his losing team, he started to get serious and started coaching.
Then of course we have the useless team that becomes awesome in just a few weeks, though the kids are pretty funny themselves.
At the end he finds his love for basketball once again and gives up coaching for college, and decides to continue to coach for high school. A simple story, but silly and fun.