Finally watched this movie. Turned out to be pretty good, though I wasn’t expecting much from it, after seeing Bruce Willis’ latest movies. You also get to meet that alien guy from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. This is a movie where you one side who’s trying to stay 1 step ahead of the other and the other side where they’re trying to think where that 1 step would be. There was a one move that left me confused though…
Official Site
IMDb: 6.6/10 (5,560 votes)
The Critics: C+ / Yahoo! Users: B
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 53% / Average Rating: 5.8/10
Apple Trailer DVD

Spoilers (Show)
Jack (Bruce Willis) is ordered to bring a convict to testify in court, which we find quite early on is against other cops, but the details were revealed later.
It appears that Jack has gone through some troubled times. He mentions his girlfriend’s name (or was it his wife), but she never really appears into the picture. We assumed the house he went into to get his guns was the woman, but it turns out she was his sister. Not too sure why this woman was brought into the story.
It turns out the leader that’s trying to kills this guy turns out to be Jack’s ex-partner, so there was a lot of distrust going at first, then it was all about the signs. Jack knew this area like the back of his hands and went on top of roofs and into the underground, always 1 step ahead.
They somehow ended up on a bus and taking hostages and the situation hits critical level. I thought there was a plan where their bus was right on top of a sewage man-hole, and they were going to escape that way, but that apparently was from a different movie.
So the movie progresses and it turns out that Jack was also one of the bad men that this convict’s testimonial will hit and that’s what’s been biting at Jack all this time, but this convict has given him confidence and he goes testifies himself. During his meeting underneath the courthouse with his ex-partner, I knew something was going on, either recording or his cell phone was connected, because the ex-partner was saying too much. Though, what was confusing, was why he didn’t kill him down there… Why did he tell Bobby to kill him when he arrives into the court house?