This movie really deserves more credit than what the critics are giving it. It was not meant to be a serious film, but a light and funny and meant to make you laugh out loud. It’s been awhile since I’ve actually laughed out loud for a movie. CDMCC, Elizabeth, and I went out for dinner and movie. It was decided that we’d watch this when we saw the preview while we were watching Who Killed the Electric Car? Scoop is another movie directed by Woody Allen. His previous film Match Point was excellent. This movie did not have such a serious undertone and in fact was quite opposite of that.
Official Site
IMDb: 7.2/10 (922 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 39% / Average Rating: 5.5/10
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The movie starts out showing the death of a famous reporter and then him on a boat sailing with death and a couple other people who had just died. On that boat, he gets a tip that Peter Lyman (a political fellow and son of a lord) was the tarot card serial killer. So he cheats death and returns back to earth to find Sondra (who imposters as Jade) who would take this story public, but only after enough evidence. The rest of the story was basically what happened in the trailer, so I’m not going to bother repeating it. As all comedies, the storyline doesn’t really matter as there are a ton of good lines is this movie that are gauranteed to crack you up.
Woody Allen’s performance in this movie was just spectacular. I can’t get enough of that funny old guy.
There were some events that I felt were questionable. Did Peter just assume Sondra didn’t know how to swim and not try to make sure she really drowned?
Also, why was the key still under the tuba? Was the key there before with the tarot cards?