Wow, how long has it been since my last post…
I’ve just been swamped with work recently and have been too tired to make any post. It was this or spending what little time I had left watching movies and anime. I’ve started watching a new J-Drama that HKenshin introduced me to called My Boss My Hero which I’ll speak of in a later post. It’s super hilarious.
Anyway, last weekend I received my bookshelves from OfficeMax and built them. I actually spent a week looking for the right size. Even drove all the way down to IKEA and came back empty handed. I have this space in the middle of my stairs that is 60″ wide and 11.5″ deep. The previous owner had 2 bookcases there which fitted pretty nicely, so I decided to get 2 bookshelves that were ~30″ wide. IKEA had tons of selection, but was either barely over or left too much space. According to my notebook:
At this point, I only saw the KILBY and BILLY, so I was trying to come up with a combination of bookshelves which would add up to around 60″ but really ended up with nowhere. I did see the MAGIKER too and was thinking of 4x MAGIKER, but unfortunately, the depth of that bookshelf was 15 3/7″. I went and ask the sales guy for help and he suggested using 3 PAX instead of trying to come up with mismatch sets which I agree might look ugly.
I went over to the PAX and it was pretty awesome at first, until I saw the depth: 13 3/4″
The same went with the remaining bookshelves of having 13-15″ depths.
I was pretty disappointed, though I did see a few breakfast tables that I was interested in, but who knew that breakfast tables were so expensive.
So back to my bookshelves, so after I came home, I started browsing the 3 big office supplies stores: Office Depot, Staples, and OfficeMax. I’ve always been a big supporter of Office Depot and Staples, but neither of them really had what I wanted. When I was about to give up, I find this on OfficeMax: Atwood Bookcase (71-3/8″H x 11-5/8″D x 29-5/8″W) and I was like sweet! It was also on sale for $45 each, so I ordered 2 and used $20 off $100 coupon (after adding some fillers).
So time for the display: