If you have an Xbox 360 and an internet connection, Xbox Live Arcade is giving away Texas Hold ’em for free for the 1st 48 hours of release.
Texas Hold ’em Free in Arcade for First 48 Hours (from SD):
Microsoft isn’t bluffing: Log on to Xbox Live® within the first 48 hours after launch and download Texas Hold ’em completely free of charge! This full-featured poker title for Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360™ will launch on Wednesday, August 23, at 0800 GMT (1:00 A.M. Pacific Time).
For 48 hours only—through 0800 GMT (1:00 A.M. Pacific Time) Friday, August 25—as a special limited-time only promotion, all Xbox Live Gold and Silver members can download (and own) the game at no charge. Starting at 0801 GMT (1:01 A.M. Pacific Time) Friday, August 25, Texas Hold ’em will be available for 800 Microsoft Points.
Since this was a limited time offer, I actually went and cracked open my Xbox 360 from the storage area and set it up.
After downloading it, I gave it a short whirl. The animation and graphics were actually pretty nice. However I did lose $1200 already (from my initial $2000). Hehe. The game is fast moving and the buttons were easy to figure out, though I would say that holding onto the controller at lengths of time got tiring given the fact I pushed a button or two every 15 seconds. With an Xbox Live Silver account (free), you can play the single player mode. With the Sbox Live Gold account, you can play online with other players. I doubt they’ll ever make a version that allows playing with real money, though you never know.
Speaking of which, I just realized you can now buy Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting through Xbox Live. It’s actually quite tempting for only 800pts (~$10). According to the newsflash, Street Fighter II Best Seller in Arcade – Sunnyvale , California—Capcom® today announced that Street Fighter® II’ Hyper Fighting, the company’s first title for Xbox Live® Arcade, has seen a phenomenal record of downloads since its debut on August 2. Within the first 24 hours of its unveiling, Street Fighter II’ Hyper Fighting has become the fastest selling Xbox Live Arcade title to date with hundreds of matches being played every hour.
Random Crap:
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An interesting thought from Deadlock: I was looking at that penis pump thing… I didn’t read the full article, but I think the airport misheard the guy. I bet he would have said BONG, because that would make more sense.
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