Finally got around to watching this movie. I don’t know what all the “excitement” was about, but the movie was pretty average. It did show the complex relationship well, but the storyline… was there one?
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IMDb: 8.0/10 (53,978 votes)
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Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 86% / Average Rating: 8.2/10
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Maybe this movie was overhyped for me, or maybe I’m just not a fan of such movies which was slow moving and didn’t really go anywhere. Anyway, there’s no point of me explaining the storyline, since it’s pretty much common knowledge what this movie is about. I’ll give them that they did display the complex relationship between the two men really well, but what idiot doesn’t even remove the price tags on his fishing gear when he tells his wife he’s going fishing? And what the heck is this about not really fishing. At least go to the supermarket to buy some fish to bring home.
One thing I didn’t get was how the wife was able to divorce him and get the 2 girls, if she only had confronted Ennis regarding his “fishing trips” years later.
Also, as the daguthers grew up, we saw a lot of junior, but what happened to Jenny?
Did Jack’s wife ever find out that Jack “liked” men? Assuming from the flash in Ennis’ head was real, Jack was caught with the ranch foreman and was killed like the guy who got his penis ripped off.