So this movie got some new reviews and I was bored one day last week and watched it. The movie was a bit slow, but was funny and worth the watch. Story’s basically about 4 friends (3 rich and 1 poor and workng as a maid) and a snapshot of their life.
Official Site
IMDb: 6.5/10 (1,541 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B / Yahoo! Users: C+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 69% / Average Rating: 6.5/10
Apple Trailer DVD SoundTrack

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Movie didn’t really have much of a storyline, but the context of what people said when they were together and what people said when they were alone were quite funny. Of course they had to stick in 1 poor girl in the midst of all these rich people just to throw in some drama.
I never really understood what Olivia was trying to do with that trainer. Was she really planning on dating this loser who screws up every single time?
As for the poor guy who hired her, what was with the suddenly becoming rich story? That’s just plain absurd. It doesn’t fit with the rest of the storyline either. Did he know he was going to try to date her? How did he even hear of Olivia?