A extremely funny movie. A definite must watch if you haven’t seen it. Talks about the spokesperson for the tobacco industry and brings in other MODs (merchants of deaths). Apparently, the movie is based on a novel by Christopher Buckley.
Official Site
IMDb: 8.1/10 (8,949 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B / Yahoo! Users: B
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 88% / Average Rating: 7.4/10
Apple Trailer
Amazon.com DVD
Amazon.com Soundtrack

Spoilers: (Show)
Movie is about the PR guy for tobacco. He’s the one that goes on talk shows to defend tobacco. He’s the one that comes up with crazy ideas to get more people to smoke. Yep, he’s the guy with a smooth mouth and the reason why he does it is just like everyone who takes a job, to pay the mortgage.
He also has a son that’s pretty neat and looks up to his father, not because of what his job is, but because his father’s logic sounds very reasonable to him, and the kid ended up winning state debate or something.
The story goes to show you how the tobacco industry came up with an “institution” to study tobacco, pay off stars to keep their mouth shut, get movie stars to smoke in movies, and even saying that it’s in their best interest to keep smoking teenagers alive as they can’t profit off dead smoking teenagers.
If you haven’t seen it, go watch it!