This movie was pretty bad. Had some funny moments and times, but the story didn’t flow well, jumped back and forth about a kid who just couldn’t let go. If I had to put it, it’s the new Grinch with a reason. It’s about a guy that can’t stand others being happy during the holiday seasons, and goes out of his way to ruin it for everyone.
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IMDb: 4.7/10 (3,277 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C- / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 14% / Average Rating: 3.2/10 DVD Soundtrack
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First of all, that old man’s voice was quite annoying. I know it’s one of Adam Sandler’s renowned voices, but having to hear throughout an entire movie was pretty much unbearable.
The story is about a young man who tries to ruin the holidays for everyone just because he can’t enjoy the holidays himself. He used to be a good kid, a smart boy and a basketball star. The judge was going to send him to jail, but the old referree volunteer to try to help steer him back in the right direction. It doesn’t help that he’s been bad for like the past 10-15 years of his life, but he feels that the boy just needs to cry out and everything would be solved.
Then there’s that patch, that the referee really wants. It’s suppose to mean you’re the greatest contributor to the city, and this little old man really has contributed quite a bit.
The deers were really weird. They seem to understand human language (or at least thoughts). When they started licking ice poop, I was pretty grossed out. Then there was the point where the deers where pooping like machine guns.
So back to the story. The old referee tells us the story of how his parents had died on Chanukah and afterwards, he has been sent from foster home to foster home, and ever since then, this boy has hated the holidays.
However, at the end he realizes what an asshole he was, and came back to fix things up even if that meant he’d be arrested. He starts singing and tries to convince the town how great the old little man was, and everyone starts realizing so. Is it me, or is the town a bunch of assholes, as the only other person to recognize the old little man’s contribution was the mom and the son. And of course, the guy ends up getting the girl.
What’s interesting is what makes year 35 so special. He’s been through 34 years of not getting the patch, and at year 35, he decides to leave town?