My alarm system has been going funky for the past week. After moving in, I didn’t bother subscribing to the alarm service since I don’t really have much valuables in my house, so I just left it alone.
Initially, it started to beep about a month ago saying that my phone line was disconnected, which is true since I only use VoIP and cell phone now, so my phone lines around the house aren’t wired up and I don’t see a need for it to be. I have 2 #s, both going through my Linksys PAP2 and 2 Panasonic 5.8GHz phones sitting on my office desk.
But that beeping only went off once, so I didn’t bother with it. The LED lights were still blinking like crazy, but I only pass by the alarm system twice a day, so I didn’t mind it.
Recently, it’s been going bonkers, goes beeping for hours. Then when I jam every button on the panel, it stops for about a day and starts beeping again. When I check the status, apparently 2 other items are having problems, but I noticed that the alarm system is also connected to the smoke detectors, so who knows what item 9-4 and 9-5 is. The booklet left behind by the previous owner didn’t mention anything. I had opened the alarm panel and remove the batteries, but it continued beeping. It appears there’s a secondary power somewhere else.
Annoyed, I finally called the alarm company today and asked them how to disable it. Apparently all they needed to know was the previous owner’s name and the address. He told me besides the batteries, there should be a power outlet nearby with a cube (2″ by 3″) that powers it (the batteries are just backup). I looked around and didn’t see an outlet and thought if that was all that was needed to disable the alarm system, it seemed rather stupid. Though I will give them that it took me forever to take out the batteries. At first I thought it was such a stupid design, taking me 10 minutes to take out 6 batteries. Second time only took me close to 1 minute. But now that I think about it it, that just might give the system enough time to phone home.
So I started looking around and found a power adapter similar to what he was saying in my garage. I unplugged it and the panel went off.
So I’ve been enjoying the quietness of my house once again (minus my computer music blasting).
Random Crap:
Today’s Japanese phrase is 花火 (hanabi) which translates to fireworks. Literally, 花 (hana) means flower and 火 (bi) means fire.
Tolerance (from RayAlome) – John Safran vs. The Mormons. Trading places is priceless. Hate people that coming knocking on your door early Saturday morning trying to convert you? Well, John Safran has something to say about it. Pretty funny.
Sony PlayStation 3: the Ars Technica review – Ars Technica has released their review, and it’s not pretty… With so much violence and mob-like behaviors during the PS3 launch (from Tera), this comic strip really hits close to home: Console Lines.
Nielsen study: video use on iPods very low – The demand for video-playing capabilities on digital music players may be overblown, according to a study conducted by Nielsen Media Research. Nielsen conducted its first ever study on iPod usage in October this year, following the habits of 400 iPod users from October 1-27 as part of its Anywhere Anytime Media Measurement initiative. Its conclusion was that a surprisingly low percentage of iPod users seem to have any interest in watching videos on their devices. I’ve always wondered who would watch videos on such a tiny screen. Then again, I never really found portable DVD players that useful either. Minimum screen size I would need to enjoy a video would probably be around 10-12″. Then there’s cell phones which try to have everything. I don’t need my cell phone to be a digital camera and a mp3 player and a video recorder. Though I will agree the “good” digital camera on a cell phone is useful once in awhile when I want to take a picture of something in that moment, but don’t have my digital camera on me. I guess a video recorder would be nice when I saw some police officers tasering a student at the library.
slate green challenge: Help the planet. (from Digg) – For the next eight weeks, Slate, in collaboration with eco-Web site treehugger, invites you to consider your own individual contribution to global warming—and challenges you to go on a carbon diet. The goal is to reduce the amount of CO2 that you put into the atmosphere by 20 percent. If you’re a carbon glutton who doesn’t bother to turn off the lights when you leave the house, you may find this diet pretty painless. (And just think of the fringe benefits—lower heating bills, poorer oil barons.) But even if you’re already a svelte recycler or a carpooler, there’s a lot more you can do.
- Travel Light – How to get around while burning less CO2.
- Warm Up – How to heat your house—not the outside.
- Green Food – Eat your veggies instead of eating up energy.
- Closet Case – The CO2 monster hiding in your wardrobe.
- The Body Electric – Bright ideas for trimming CO2 emissions.
- more to come in the next 3 weeks.
Frucall and SCANBUY (from Digg) – both services which allow you to use your cell phone to find places that are cheaper online or locally by either inputing the barcode information or scanning it with your phone. So the next time you’re out buying macaroni and cheese for $1.49 (# made up completely), call and find out to see if the supermarket down the street has it for $1.39. ;p
Taco Bell wants your Playstation 3 (from Digg) – Today Taco Bell has announced that they will take a brand new Playstation 3 in exchange for $12,500 in Taco Bell Bucks that are redeemable for your food purchases. This offer is good only for the first person to agree to the terms and email Taco Bell. Haha. I wonder how many years of tacos that’ll buy. Even if you spend $10 a day at Taco Bell, that’ll still buy you 3.5 years. What is interesting is inside the press release: The party exchanging the PlayStation 3 is solely responsible for payment of all taxes, income and otherwise, and should consult with his/her tax adviser. Considering this being like lottery money, income, or short term gain, we’re talking Uncle Sam taking 20-30% of it. Does Uncle Sam take Taco Bell Bucks, because that’s $2,500 to $3,750 you’ll be paying in taxes.
Railroad Tycoon Released For Free (from Digg) – Go and download the game and bring back all those wonderful memories.
Amazing blind kid can do the impossible (from Digg) – This blind kid uses his other senses to ‘see’. Truely amazing. This guy reminds me of Uonuma Usui (more info) from るろうに剣心 (Rurouni Kenshin). He was the 2nd best fighter in 十本刀 (Juppon Gatana – Two Swords) after Seta Soujirou (more info) – my 3rd favorite character in Kenshin. This blind man fought by using a technique he called 心眼 (Shin-Gan) which literally translates to Eye of Heart. It was meant to refer to the fact he can see into people’s heart and know their position and how they’re going to attack. In reality, it was more like superhuman hearing where he could hear people’s heart pounding nervously and muscle contractions.
Most Dangerous Toys’ 2006 (from Digg) – The consumer group W.A.T.C.H. has unveiled its annual list of the most dangerous toys. The group says these toys represent the top ten hazards to children.
Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy? (from Digg) – In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on June 6, he was assassinated – apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O’Sullivan says he has evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder Interesting theory and interesting read.
Ohio lottery picks match Ohio game score – Ohio State’s 42-39 victory over Michigan also was lucky for players of the Ohio Lottery. Shortly after Saturday’s game ended, the numbers 4-2-3-9 were drawn for the Pick 4 game. For Buckeye fans, this weekend would’ve been a blast for you. For Cal fans, we didn’t fare too well, although we leading or tied till the end of the 3rd quarter, but USC creamed us in the 4th quarter.
Fishy freckle remover inflames Chinese consumers – China has banned TV ads for a freckle remover, touted as being so good it could remove spots from fish, when it not only killed fish but led to rashes, blisters and skin inflammation on the humans who tried it. Advertisements promoting “Magic Freckle Removing Gel”, produced by a Shanghai company, used a celebrity, bogus experts and fish to endorse the cosmetic, but fish exposed to the gel by a research institute later died from poisoning, the Beijing News said. … Experts later found that three different fish had been used in the advertisement to make the cleanser appear effective, the paper said. Article wasn’t that interesting, but I was curious who watched that advertisement really thought the gel would actually remove spots from a fish…
What are we becoming? (from Digg) – On CNN’s the situation room, Jack Cafferty struck a somber tone after the House passed legislation that includes a war crimes immunity clause. He rightfully asks, “what are we becoming?” video and transcript info can be downloaded at Crooks and Liars. Do note that the video is dated 9/28/2006 as he wanted to get the bill passed before the Democrats came in after November’s election. I really like this quote: At least President Nixon had Gerald Ford to do its dirty work. President Bush is trying to pardon himself. It appears that the bill got passed by both the House and the Senate, but it’s unclear if it’s been signed yet. I found a bit more info here: “Bush Pardons Himself”: Detainee Legislation Provides Retroactive Immunity for Bush Adminstration War Crimes
European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs – Are streets without traffic signs conceivable? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try — with good results. … European traffic planners are dreaming of streets free of rules and directives. They want drivers and pedestrians to interact in a free and humane way, as brethren — by means of friendly gestures, nods of the head and eye contact, without the harassment of prohibitions, restrictions and warning signs. Haha, interesting experiment. I’m curious as to who’s right/wrong when an accident occurs.
Slow motion high FPS compilation (from RayAlome) – a really neat video of showing how fast actions look in slow motion. My favorite ones were with the water balloons where they popped it on someone’s head and when they punched it.
Things in a Microwave (from Digg) – A device capable of producing 700 watts of invisible radiation, and the Wonton Way. Not a good combination. Unfortunately for the free world, the Wonton Way has acquired a microwave. Here’s the results. Ah.. the experiments I only dreamed of doing, but too afraid it’ll blow up. Although we did try the egg thing (thanks to Decathanerd’s and Cari’s microwave). It does in fact blow up. Ours actually blew open on microwave door, rotated the microwave about 1/2 a foot, and splattered egg all over the kitchen. Coincidentally at my ship party, one of my colleague’s wife was commenting on how guys find fire so interesting (I was playing with the candles if you didn’t guess it yet). She was saying how her boss put in a cdrom into the microwave and started it and the cd made a bunch of sparks and asked her how cool it was. She didn’t find it particularly cool, but I would’ve been amazed! Boys will be boys.