So I watched this movie expecting Jackie Chan to play a modern day Robin Hood, steal money from the rich and distribute it to the poor. But it was completely not that. Jackie Chan and a couple other people play a group of thieves with a conscience, until one of their jobs requires kidnapping a kid and the whole story goes crazy from there.
Official Site
IMDb: 7.0/10 (200 votes)
Rotten Tomatoes
Trailer/Teaser (more trailers on the Official Site)
MY RATING: 6.5/10

Spoilers: (Show)
This movie had more comedy than stunts, though Jackie Chan still does his fair share of stunts. The premise of the movie is about 3 thieves who are good at breaking into safes. The brain has a wife gone crazy due to the the lost of her child. One of the sidekicks (Jackie Chan) has a gambling problem. The other sidekick is a womanizer wasting all his money on buying things for his girls (not his wife) and buying nice cars (which gets towed a week later when he can’t make his 2nd payment).
So the story continues where all of them are in deep shit. The brain’s own safe gets broken into. Jackie Chan owes a bunch of money to the loan shark, and the other guy’s Porsche gets towed away. They take on a new job that involves kidnapping a baby. This is their first kidnapping. They’ve always decided that even thieves have morals and they wouldn’t do the evil stuff like rape, kill, kidnap, etc, and only just leave to stealing. However, rules can be bent and they’re all in crisis mode.
This is really where the story begins and I have to say the baby they chose is awfully cute. The person who ordered the kidnapping is the father of the mom’s ex-boyfriend and he has reason to believe that child is his grandson. The son died in a struggle trying to kidnap the wife and child because he wanted to be with her.
However, this team learns about the family being billionaires and decides it might be better to blackmail the family instead. However, the brain was arrested for speeding and running away from a road block, so he told the other 2 sidekicks to take care of the baby in the meantime. It then becomes a circus as they try to keep the baby from crying, buying diapers, clothes and food for him, and trying to protect the baby from the bad guys coming and taking him away.
The story continues on and you’ll have to watch it to find out what happens to the baby in the end.
Canadian man on trial for putting baby in freezer – A Canadian man who could not figure out how to deal with his girlfriend’s feverish 10-month-old daughter put the baby into a freezer to cool her down, a local newspaper reported on Friday. Funny thing was I read this article yesterday and when I watched the movie and saw him placed the kid in the fridge, it totally reminded me of this.
Of course, with every Jackie Chan movie, there’s bloopers (WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS). I won’t say it’s my favorite part of any of his movies, but it’s something I look forward to. His bloopers generally contain well when bloopers of when people forget their lines, stunt mishaps, and interesting ways to “solve” problems. This blooper wasn’t really as funny as his other ones, but there was one blooper that made it all better. They were trying to get the baby to suck Jackie’s nipple, and the baby wouldn’t do it, so he said, “Add more honey.” I did notice that Jackie Chan doesn’t spring right back up after an accident anymore. A clear sign that he is getting old.