Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and hopefully got all the presents they had wished for.

Speaking of which, I just got this link from Digg: Lenovo – ThinkPad X60 Tablet and this new tablet has some pretty neat features over the previous X41 tablet:

  • MultiView/MultiTouch indoor/outdoor viewable touch screen
  • High resolution SXGA+ screen
  • 802.11n MIMO WiFi
  • Embedded WWAN
  • Mobile docking solution

*DROOLS* The SXGA+ screen (1400×1050) is awesome! It’s an optional feature, but if I got the X60 Tablet, I would definitely get this screen. The default is XGA (1024×768) which has been what all the X series (12.1″ screen) has always touted, however 1024×768 is a bit lacking. Everything else on my X31 rocks. I just wish the screen had a better resolution. I’ve even sent in customer feedback asking for a better screen. Bill actually told me a month back that the new Thinkpad tablet was getting a better screen, but when I searched, i wasn’t able to find any information on their website, so I thought it was just a fluke he saw.

The additional wireless networking features seem nifty, but I’m not really that interested until it becomes more standardized.

The multi-touch screen is also nifty. Most tablets require you use a metallic stylus pen to work where the screen has a magnet system behind it to detect where the stylus pen is. It’s not a true touch screen. With this multi-touch functionality, it allows you to use you fingers or whatever other funky object you prefer to use to interact with the screen:

lenovo thinkpad x60 tablet - multitouch screen

I do have to say I was a bit disappointed. When I first read multi-touch, I had thought it was referring to something like the Multi-Touch Interaction Research by Jeff Han. But I guess it’s still neat that you can now interact with your fingers.

I had tried to customize the X60 Tablet, but unfortunately the SXGA+ screen doesn’t seem to be an available option at this moment. I wonder how much that’ll add to the price given the fact that with a regular XGA screen, it’s already over $1,800.

I really wish they’d put this better screen into the regular X-series as I don’t really care for a tablet much.

Random Crap:

I was searching for images of 王晶 (Jing Wong) in movies he produced to show my sister who he was, and I happened to fall upon this cute porcupine image:

cute porcupine
(from 杂文选刊)

Things a Man Should Know: About Fatherhood (from Digg) – a rather funny list of things dad’s should know about parenthood. Here’s a couple I thought were insightful or funny:

  • Your child, at birth, already has a deeply complicated relationship with his mother, and, for the first year, you are only a curiosity. For a couple of years after that, an amusement-park ride. Then, a referee. And finally, a bank.
  • Reason boys are better: They cannot get pregnant.
  • The first time you change your son’s diaper and he pees all over you is not an accident. It’s foreshadowing.
  • Let them take reasonable risks: A few scrapes in the long run are nothing compared with the scars left by hovering parents. Or tics. In preparation for risks: a Red Cross first-aid course.
  • It never hurts to videotape the baby-sitter. Especially if she’s hot.
  • Overalls are not only cute, they provide a convenient handle.
  • Dropping food on the floor is a new and delightful skill to a one-year-old, not a deliberate attempt to annoy you. However, as small he or she might be, never underestimate an infant’s ability to project chewed food over great distances.
  • Beware your child’s uncles, who will teach your kid dirty words, introduce him to liquor, and give him gifts of drums, archery sets, and possibly matches.
  • It is, of course, your natural right to exert the above negative influences on your siblings’ offspring.
  • Lock or no, please knock before entering, as the disruption of a youth who is spanking his monkey will be twice as traumatic for you as it is for him.
  • Unfortunately, those books that say motherhood makes women desire more sex are referring to women who are not your wife.
  • If the real response to his question is no, try this instead: “Go ask your mom.”

carved  watermelon head
Carved Watermelon Head (from Neatorama)

2 Replies to “Merry Christmas”

  1. I wish you had merry Christmas also. Hi:) Hazimemasite.I`m Korean who studying in Nagasaki University. Nice to meet u. I came to your blog through out comment in FLV homepage.I`m sorry if I bothered you. Just I went to there want to update my player. I thought, I felt lol, maybe this is Korean or at least Asian.. when I saw your lo~ng comment. ^^ sorry.
    And you ARE!! Are you studying at UCLA in California? Oh, I found out also viedo clip about Korean singer “KISS”. A little surprised because it`s my best favorite song. yap, just I wanna let you know what your blog readed visitor like me. I am like a stolker. byebye!!

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