Comments on: Media Control Plugin for Windows Vista Media Center After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth. Sat, 10 Mar 2007 03:08:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Krunk Sat, 10 Mar 2007 03:08:57 +0000 As I mentioned to ryan earlier, I don’t have a problem with ffdshow, but the xvid codec has always crashed explorer and MCE when it’s trying to create a thumbnail for a badly formated xvid (I’m assuming).

Therefore, I just install ffdshow and let that decode my xvid content.

//krunk (^_^x)

By: ryan Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:09:25 +0000 Are you using Vista? I have lots of trouble with ffdshow causing crashes in Vista. In explorer, when highlighting xvid files sometimes I get a crash. And MCE browsing to videos that contain xvid files crash.
