Just watched this movie tonight with Desperajo, Stanman, and Saran. Really good movie in my opinion. If you had asked me if horror and comedy could ever be mixed, I wouldn’t have known how to answer before watching this. I’ve been hearing than Korean Horror is the new Japanese Horror. Honestly, it’s not really that scary. If I had to give it a scary level, I’d say it’s a little bit more scarier than Jurassic Park. The creature design was definitely interesting and the trailer was somewhat misleading. And the ending… well…
Official Site
IMDb: 7.2/10 (3,133 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 94% / Average Rating: 7.9/10
Apple Trailer
Amazon.com DVD

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This movie was really well done, especially with the flow of the story and the suspense levels. An army base had dumped a whole bunch of formaldehyde into the Han river and years later, a giant creature appeared. It begins to wreak havoc along the shores of the Han river. The daughter of this man appears to be eaten by the giant creature, however a cell phone call later reveals that she is still alive.
No one believes the family and believe he’s going crazy due to his ‘believed’ infection. The family struggles to find the youngest and along the way, a life was lost, people got hurt, and there were many obstacles to overcome as even the closest of friends began to hunt them down for the reward.
The ending was rather cool, but also melodramatic as all most Korean films are. I was just sitting there waiting for the daughter to suddenly wake back up, but no she didn’t. After awhile, the line when the little boy says he wanted to live in that mini shop popped into my head and that’s when I realized that the little boy will wake up instead and take the place of the girl.