A few days ago, Derrich left a comment on my mp3 searching post and mentioned that I was in his 2007 Bloggers Tournament, Take 2. Honestly, I don’t think too highly of my own blog as it’s filled with random crap (see below) and of the category I’m in (The Gamut), I’m ranked 7 out of 8 according to Alexa Rankings.
- gamut
- the entire scale or range: the gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy.
Looking at my opponent: Kineda (who’s ranked 2 out of 8.), I don’t really think I have much of a chance.
However, if you still want to vote, the poll is located at PollBurner.com.
Random Crap:
Desktopography (from Digg) – Desktopography is an exhibition, a showcase of nature themed desktop wallpapers created by designers worldwide. Designers spend around 90% of their waking life in front of a computer so the most appealing genre for a wallpaper would be one that has beautiful design mixed with the all important aspect of being outdoors. This year we present over 40 new desktop wallpapers for you to display and enjoy. They have some really neat wallpapers.
Porsche dealer – “I got it wrong with the buy one get one free card”. (from Digg) – Glen Fergusson – Sales and Marketing manager for a brand new Californian Porsche dealer. Has lost his job and faces possible legal proceedings as the company strives to reclaim the costs of the 18 Porches given away free under Glen’s Opening day “buy one get one free promotion” “I admit I didn’t really do the numbers properly on this one” said Glen who told reporters that he had “seen the concept work really well for coffee stores” and in terms of numbers you could argue that Glen’s campaign worked. As the new Porsche dealer sold 18 Porches in the first hour of the store opening. Wish I knew about this deal!
Frets On Fire (from Digg) – With StepMania being the open source version of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), Frets on Fire is the open source version of Guitar Hero. Currently there aren’t any USB guitars, but the Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 will be coming out soon and supposedly it’s wired and the only wired inputs the Xbox 360 has are USB, so *cross fingers*.
little gamers – Luggage and time – a funny comic strip making fun of British people and time.
FofR Configuration v0.6 (from RayAlome) – foobar2000 has been a rather popular replacement for playing music and I personally liked it when I gave it a try. However, it was lacking in the UI aspect as it was very text based (although some of you may really like that). Apparently with a few plug-ins, you can get foobar2000 to look awesome.
Unbelievable graphic art pictures by Rob Gonsalves (from Digg) – One of these pictures was found at blogs and takes me to deep stupor. Extremely imressive retouch technique, amazing effect of visual illusions, perfect pictures quality engaged me to search and find all what i can find from this author. 37 pictures below! Very imaginative drawings and the images tries to confuse the viewer by merging 2 multiple similar looking things into one.
Phosphor – Rasterwerks (from Digg) – Phosphor is a first-person shooter created with Macromedia Director (links will open in new window). The Shockwave Player allows the game to run within a web browser on Windows and Mac OS computers. Both single player (with AI-controlled bots) and multiplayer (using peer-to-peer Internet or LAN connections) game modes are supported. Our goal is to create a gaming experience similar to classic FPS games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3, but with the accessibility of a webgame. Game actually works rather well. I suck at FPSes though.
Man relieves himself in air-sickness bag – SkyWest Airlines apologized to a passenger who said he wasn’t allowed to use the restroom during a one-hour flight and ended up urinating in an air-sickness bag.
Family Portraits (from Digg) – My four favourite brats and their parents ( plus an additional Ike, cause he’s awesome xD ) These sketches of the 4 main characters’ families from South Park are really good.
Prevent Your Dryer From Catching Fire – Consumerist actually posted one of my blog entries: Clothes Dryer Warning. Apparently this has been on Snopes also.
Dog Chases Fake Soccer Ball (from Deadlock) – This poor confused Jack Russel Terrier chases down a computer generated soccer ball projected onto the floor. He spent all day chasing his tail and now this, he must be so frustrated!
Best Rube Goldberg Ever (from MS newsgroup) – This is from the guys that brought you the Dorm Room Rube Goldberg. They continue to amaze us with their intricate set ups and executions. I miss Pythagora Switch.
Stardust Implosion (from MS newsgroup) – Implosion Of the Stardust Hotel Casino Las Vegas Nevada – March 13th 2:30am Explosions are always fun to watch. Implosions are not as fun, but still fun.
Human Timeline (NSFW) (from FuzzyWuzzy) – As you can see throughout human history, all we do is beat the crap out of each other and have sex.
Ballad of Black Mesa (from Angelus) – A very iPod like video using machine guns and machines to make music. Produced by Mighty Cran Films. You can also download the HD version.
Amazing Girl in American Idol (from Artemyst) – a 11-year old girl with beautiful voice. Wow! This Bianca Ryan has an amazing voice.
I’m all about the cheese, baby (from Digg) – Check out the packaging material used to ship this Mac.
The Entire US Super Nintendo Collection – Complete!! (from Digg) – 720 GAMES COMPLETE PLUS 74 ADDITIONAL FACTORY SEALED!! For the small price of $15k, this could be all yours.
Why Do Guys Get Sleepy After Sex? (from Digg) – “Men go to sleep because women don’t turn into a pizza.” Haha. Though the rest of the article does go further into details about the chemicals released in our brains and etc. Side note: prolactin also explains why men are sleepier after intercourse than after masturbation. For unknown reasons, intercourse orgasms release four times more prolactin than masturbatory orgasms, according to a recent study.
Comparison of 300 move against the comic (from Digg) – and I must say that the movie did a really good job at staying true to the comic.