This movie had a ton of action. Well, that’s pretty much it. They did attempt to put a good storyline together, but the overall felt very lacking. If you want some mindless entertainment, this should suit you well. Main story is about a bunch of psycho killers after a guy named Buddy Israel, who has a $1 million hit on him. The story unravels from that point on.
Official Site
IMDb: 6.5/10 (12,043 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 26% / Average Rating 4.2/10
Apple Trailer HD DVD DVD Soundtrack
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So the story attempts to drop subtle hints here and there hoping the audience could string together the storyline. I figured out that the mafia head was the FBI agent Keller who was talking about the facial reconstruction, however I didn’t figure out the heart transplant deal until the end.
I do have a question, did someone just misheard, because there was actually a hit sent out to kill Buddy Israel for $1 million. The cops overheard their conversation, but who else? They hired the doctor and the guy to neutralize his entourage, but how did this contract get out to the 2 females and the 3 psychotic brothers? That part never really made sense to me.
Then their was the string of random events which were somewhat cool, but didn’t really add much to the storyline and was pretty random.
Oh well. At least I got some exercise time out of it.