AIM WeeMee

AIM WeeMee (from SueOn) – I’m guessing this is AIM’s answer to Wii’s Mii (hear the resemblance?). You can create these characters which will in turn become your buddy icon/wallpaper. The wallpaper showed up for me on AIM 6.0:

krunk4ever aim weemee wallpaper

I’m not sure if it’s supported back on AIM 5.x, but Adium on Mac OSX didn’t show the wallpaper. The wallpaper is really a bad design. I immediately went into preferences and disabled all wallpapers. Look at how little space left there is to chat. I could expand the window, but that’d just be a waste of real estate. To disable wallpaper in AIM 6.0, go to settings (from edit menu or F7). Under the Expressions tab, the 2nd to last checkbox says: Display Wallpaper. If you uncheck that, anyone else’s wallpaper will not show up.

I’ve also gone into aim Expressions and removed the wallpaper. If you want to create your WeeMee, but don’t wont to use the wallpaper, just create the WeeMee you want and then go to your Expressions (on the AOL/AIM website) and click reset under “Buddy Wallpaper”.

So I’ve retired my Detective Conan buddy icon in place of this new WeeMee:
krunk4ever aim weemee

I do have to say that it resembles me quite a bit (minus the beach). I actually own a shirt that looks like that. It’s an Old Navy Ringer Tees. Plus the white iPod Nano. Haha. Pants wise, I have a dozen of khakis that look like that. I’m not sure why it gave me green eyes in the wallpaper. As you can see, I chose brown eyes in my buddy icon.

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