
I watched Transformers today with Stanman. I entered the theater not expecting much, but I did hear some good things from friends and I do like some of Michael Bay films (e.g. Armageddon and The Rock). Speaking of which, Armageddon was actually mentioned inside the movie. Anyway, I was a big fan of transformers as a kid. I remember watching transformers and G.I. Joe back to back.I totally bought into the idea of having transformable cars and machines and play imaginary battles with it. I personally thought the movie was rather fun. Storyline was expected, but not bad. The special effects were awesome. Definitely a watcher if you were ever a fan of transformers as it stayed true to many aspects. They did change a few things around, but you’ve gotta give this guy credit for using the original voice actor for Optimus Prime from the cartoon series.

Official Site
IMDb: User Rating: 8.0/10 (43,361 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: A-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 56% / Average Rating: 5.8/10
Apple Trailer Soundtrack Showtimes

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It does look like they set up the ending of the movie for a potential sequel. I want to see Dinobots!

There was a trailer showing a farewell party and suddenly a giant explosion in New York City. You could see the head of the Statue of Liberty flying across the street. No one knows for sure what this trailer is about. Rumors is that J. J. Abrams is remaking a popular Japanese movie in English and some people have suggested Godzilla due to the noise it was making. You can watch the trailer on Apple or read more about it on IMDb. The interesting thing about this movie is the date: 1-18-08, which is the day I turn 25. Well, maybe it was only interesting to me.

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