Assembly Line For Lego Cars

I got this link from Digg: Production Line Built From Legos Builds Lego Cars and just as the author claims, “Consider my little Lego geek mind blown.”

Do check out the video: Mindstorms Autofabrik, where this guy (or maybe girl) built a car producing factory out of Legos. You can even customize what color you want your Lego car to be! With a few simple pushes on the Lego buttons to define the colors, this factory first goes and retrieves the building blocks for your car color. Then it presses on to a board to construct the base of the car. Finally wheels are added and the top of the car completes the building. The car even gets a test drive as it leaves the building!

Did I mention how my little mind was completely blown!?!?! People say that modern Legos have taking out the imagination out of Legos, but my GOD, if this isn’t pure imagination, I don’t know what is!

3 Replies to “Assembly Line For Lego Cars”

  1. lol, I remember when watching this on collegehumor the title was:

    Lego Assembly Line
    A machine made of Lego assembles Lego cars. Now we just need a Lego machine to build Lego assembly lines.

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