More Deep Fryer Goodies

So last weekend, I went to Costco and picked up some chicken nuggets (or as they call it, Breast Nuggets) and also some Minh egg rolls. I was thinking about picking up some Ling Ling egg rolls, but once again their box didn’t have any instructions for the deep fryer. I think Ling Ling has something against using the deep fryer. Oh well. The most shocking of all, is that apparently Costco doesn’t carry frozen french fries. The closest thing resembling frozen french fries was either the hash brown or the potato wedges. They also had some battered fish and shrimp that I’m thinking of trying out next time.

Here’s how they turned out:

Chicken NuggetsChicken NuggetsFried Eggrolls

I had also baked some cookies to put it into the penguin cookie jar that Cari had given me. Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies are just so awesome!

Chocolate Chip CookiesChocolate Chip CookiesChocolate Chip CookiesChocolate Chip Cookies

I also found it interesting that the hot oven rails get captured as magenta color.

Last bit about food. I had just started watching the 3rd season of House, M.D. and one of the earlier episodes was a case about twins. How does this relate to food. When I was about to fry some eggs for dinner tonight, I cracked open an egg found this:

Twin Fried Eggs

I guess chickens can have twins too!

3 Replies to “More Deep Fryer Goodies”

  1. If you have an egg with a twin/twin yolk, does that mean your original yolk size decreased in size, decrease in egg white, or 😀 simply it’s a better deal, two eggs in one?

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