Yuppies / Stuff White People Like

Awhile back, I had the following conversation with Tera, FuzzyWuzzy, and Angelus:

<pantsumimi> do you have a Wii, krunk?
<Krunk> nope
<pantsumimi> blackberry?
<pantsumimi> iPhone?
<pantsumimi> random mid-range sports car e.g. SLK or RX 7 / RX 8 ?
<Krunk> nope
<Krunk> my phone is a pretty simple guy:
<Krunk> samsung SGH-t519
<Krunk> my car is what i had since high school: honda civic 2001
<pantsumimi> you’re quite possibly the worst yuppie ever (Expand…)

Apparently Yuppie is derived from YUP which stands for: (Y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional which I never knew before. As the conversation above shows, I always thought it referred to rich douche bags. Anyway, Angelus pointed me to this new blog which I’ve been reading religiously: Stuff White People Like. It’s a blog describing white people and what they do, how they behave, etc. and how you can exploit these data points to your advantage.

For example, some of the recent posts I enjoy include:

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