My Pony Tail

For those who haven’t seen my pony tail, here it is:

pony tailpony tail

Xyon mentioned that I didn’t have any pictures of me with really short hair. I didn’t find one of me that was right after a haircut, but I did find the following on Facebook, which is one of the shortest that I could find. The picture following it is when it’s gotten very long (or as Xyon calls it Chia Pet mode):

short hairspiky hair

Somehow Picasa was able to dig up this random photo in my AIM logs. I can’t believe how skinny I used to be. And who’s that pretty girl standing next to me? (-_^x)

skinny during college

2 Replies to “My Pony Tail”

  1. if you keep the pony tail and are ever thrown in prison, you’d take some awesome mugshots as evidenced by the pics you posted. =)

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