- Just tried Super Meat Boy on XBLA last night and it's unusually fun! It's on sale for 800pts this week. Try the demo: http://bit.ly/abCS8M #
- A new way to rock: Ars reviews Rock Band 3 http://t.co/dMeO8JN via @arstechnica The pro guitar part looks ridiculously hard #
- This is what Akismet needs: http://xkcd.com/810/ #
- For some reason I find the giant snowman rather cute and the situation hilarious! http://bit.ly/9UEPpV Maybe I should check out this anime. #
- @ralphlee I hear caffeine helps. in reply to ralphlee #
- That's the shirt I'm wearing today! http://shirt.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=14884 (in pumpkin form) #
- Haha! http://consumerist.com/2010/10/the-4000-calorie-mondo-gummy-worm.html I'm totally grossed out. #
- Get 100 MS points when you sign up for Games for Windows newsletter: http://bit.ly/aAkeRL #
- @ellism I missed you! in reply to ellism #