- @angelgrrl813 I was thinking Wow! Angel went to sleep later than me, since I went to bed at 6. Then I figured you must've just woken up. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @rothgar I think DST is one of those things once you join, you can't quit. in reply to rothgar #
- @hjo3 I curious what the context of using "unsweetened" through the intercom is. Ladies and Gents, we have run out of unsweetened tea. in reply to hjo3 #
- @ryandjohnson The kid or the dad? ;p in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @abhijeet80 @shawboy78 Haha. I was going to say that's what you get when you try to get dress blindfolded. ;p #
- @ashersarlin @hjo3 Is it okay for geeks to make fun of people playing fantasy football then? ;p in reply to hjo3 #
- Angry Bird addicts will enjoy today's Real Life comic: http://www.reallifecomics.com/archive/101110.html #
- Greatest Hits: Rock Band Edition: http://bit.ly/92OtPI w00t! #