Happiness can’t be described by a visible color

It’s been a long time since I posted about an anime series. There hasn’t been much released for the past few seasons that really stood out , but I’m really enjoying Bakuman. From Wikipedia:

The series follows talented artist Moritaka Mashiro and aspiring writer Akito Takagi, two ninth grade boys who wish to become mangaka.

I really enjoy the OP: Blue Bird by Kobukuro


青空飛び交う Blue Bird
幸せはいつも 見えない Color 感じている
Your love

心配ごとばかりが 積もる春の空を
見上げて うつむいて
この街で 見つけるって決めた自分
無くしちゃいけないものを 胸に

Your love
青空飛び交う Blue Bird
幸せはいつも 見えない Color 感じている
Your love
(Your love)

English Translation (provided by gg):

Can you see the blue birds,
fluttering through the blue sky?
Happiness can’t be described by a visible color, but I can feel
Your love

Every worry floats up to and fills the spring sky
I look up, look down,
and find myself looking back up at the sky
I swore I’d find myself in this town
I tuck away all my important things into my heart for safekeeping

Your love
Can you see the blue birds,
fluttering through the blue sky?
Happiness can’t be described by a visible color, but I can feel
Your love
(Your love)

The way 無くしちゃいけないものを 胸に was sung triggered my memory and reminded me of One more time, One more chance by Yamazaki Masayoshi which I first heard from 5 Centimeters Per Second.

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