- @rothgar It's all about findstr ;p in reply to rothgar #
- @hungtruong Isn't that bad since it might put on record you settled? in reply to hungtruong #
- @GuySrinivasan @ryandjohnson @0xFCAF If I had to pronounce it, it would be jay-sahn for me too. Guess that's what I've heard it called. in reply to GuySrinivasan #
- .@Spotify should allows us to star a song even if it's not in their or our library. Allows us to remember which song we need to purchase. #
- @jscott Is there still a valid reason to run Symantec these days? in reply to jscott #
- @jamapi @GuySrinivasan I think it's to annoy all the #FitbitHaters ;p in reply to jamapi #
- Fans of Mirror's Edge may want to check out the free app of the day: http://t.co/fSI8xfjC #
- @angelgrrl813 Calculating post sales tax what 2 items would cost at $4.29 each? Twitter should do math for you too. 🙂 in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @rothgar Your #s would go up because you've switched to fiber optics. 🙂 in reply to rothgar #