- Haha! Final Fantasy has taken Pokemon's idea and now allows you to capture monsters and use them in combat: http://t.co/IZXxlQpX #
- Haha! http://t.co/RTYvKfAN Reminds me of Louis C.K's Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy. http://t.co/4rAkhfHv #
- My brother just texted me. Apparently Kim Jong-il has been pronounced dead: http://t.co/LJdrdaVR #
- I dare you to watch this and not laugh: http://t.co/VWwHCJ4a #
- @hjo3 As a Asian kid, you become an adult the moment you start enjoying bitter melon. 🙂 in reply to hjo3 #
- @0xFCAF I think that's just a problem with Australia and New Zealand in general. My aussie friends always complain about bandwidth caps. in reply to 0xFCAF #
- @rothgar Haha! Don't like tilting your head up to watch TV? ;p in reply to rothgar #
- Why does @GoDaddy like to keep shooting itself in its foot? http://t.co/eBltsn5w #
- Interesting… I've always pronounced Rearden as re-ar-den, but the movie pronounces it rear-den. I also had no idea that Eddie was black! #
- @jscott Presumably if you stick in your external drives onto your MBP, things would work. in reply to jscott #
- Happy Holidays! // Toland and Om Nom (^_^x) http://t.co/MnigzfKD http://t.co/ckIdMWQZ #
- @hungtruong Can't say much about Gandi, but I've been with Namecheap since 2005 and I can vouch for them. 🙂 in reply to hungtruong #