- Fans of LICD Beginnings and Star Trek will enjoy this week's comic: http://t.co/NuUhRCIS http://t.co/835OlqoL #
- @fearthecowboy Maybe Chrome has come a long way. ;p in reply to fearthecowboy #
- Scroll down to demographics and see what Google believes your age/gender to be: https://t.co/9ZiULMNF #
- @vibronet You say price discrimination. I say target marketing. Plus the 50% one was "up to" ;p in reply to vibronet #
- Listening to “La Chrysalide” by Martin Léon ♫ MP3 available for free @ http://t.co/t2AXbfDR #
- Nothing made you happier than seeing this when walking into a classroom as a kid. (via @reddit) http://t.co/dwS14boC #
- @rothgar I didn't think it was possible to rotate the home screen on iOS… in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Yeah, I usually skip past those @mashable slideshow posts. More trouble than worth it. in reply to rothgar #