Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Just watched this movie on Friday night with Stanman and ChemChampion. Actually bumped into Brian at the theaters. I thought the movie overall was generally fun, very imaginative. I definitely thought about starting to read the last 2 books, but after a good night’s sleep, I gave that idea up.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.9/10 (29,599 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 77% / Average Rating 6.9/10
Apple Trailer
Amazon.com Showtimes
Amazon.com Soundtrack
Amazon.com Book

harry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix posterharry potter and the order of the phoneix poster

Spoilers: (Show)

Anyway, I was at Costco today (only spending $45 there today – I’m proud of myself), and they had stacks and stacks of the new and final Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. They even had someone dressed as a wizard or a student from Hogwarts standing there helping distribute the books. Speaking of the final book, I knew a few friends who had lined up for the midnight sale of the Harry Potter books. They’re probably done reading by now.

Ungsunghero points me to Keith Olbermann’s speculation: (Show)

For those who’ve read the final book, I would like to know if Keith Olbermann’s speculation was correct.

One Reply to “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”

  1. Professor Trelawney, the Divination instructor, also gives a second true prophecy in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

    They played down Cho and Harry’s relationship a lot in the movie. There’s quite a bit more to it in the book. They actually left out quite a bit from the book, and they glossed over a little bit that’s very important knowledge later on. They also completely left out the part about Luna’s father and The Quibbler and how they worked to clear Harry against all the slander The Daily Prophet was dishing out.

    (spoilers – Show)

    (I hope that bit got blocked out, but I can’t preview my comment. I guess if it doesn’t, go ahead and read for your own edification and then filter it out. =) You should really read the books, as they contain much much more than the movies can hope to express.)

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