About a week ago, Apple posted an High Definition trailer for the upcoming movie: Sleuth (IMDb). As I later found out, Sleuth (2007) is actually a remake of the 1972 Sleuth (IMDb). I do have to say, that’s one expensive DVD on where the lowest price on Amazon.com is $59.99. What’s even cooler about this movie is the fact that Michael Caine is in both movies, however his row is switched. Michael Caine plays the wife’s lover in the 1972 version and plays the scheming husband in the 2007 version.
There’s been people saying Jude Law is the new Michael Caine as the Alfie remake where Alfie was played by Michael Caine in the 1966 version, Jude Law played Alfie n the 2004 version.
Anyway, the reason I’m posting about this movie is that less than a day later that Apple posted the HD trailer, they decided to pull it off their website. Both HD Trailers and HD-Trailers.net had linked to the trailers, but those links are now currently dead.
Fortunately, I had downloaded the 1080p version and with the request from filmomanas, I uploaded the trailer.
Look like Apple decided to completely pull this trailer from their site. I can’t even find the regular movie trailer info page anymore. I still have my copy of the 1080p trailer which I downloaded yesterday and decided to upload it to FileSend: Download Link
I decided to use FileSend because it allow uploads of greater than 100MB (seems to be a limitation on many of the file sharing sites). The 1080p trailer itself is 129MB. However, it does have a wait time of 30 seconds, which is the downside. I took that into account, but the fact it has a really fast download speed, made me choose it over a couple others. I was able to download from FileSend at a sustained 600KB/s. Unfortunately, I don’t have the 480p and the 720p version. Other than that, enjoy!
The trailer makes the movie look quite interesting.