Xbox 360

Welp, as you might’ve known, the Xbox 360 launched today. There’s been so much buzz. People who had it preordered were even in line late last night or early this morning just to get it. People who preordered even got calls apologizing and that their order will be delayed by a few weeks. The interesting thing is that many of the Xbox 360s are being sold on eBay for much much more than the retail cost. The highest one I’ve seen was sold at $5,100. These aren’t cheap consoles either, with the core system at $399 and the starter system with the hard drive and the extra goodies at $499. You should read the article at Ars Technica and see how absurd the shortages are.

Random Crap:

quarter stacks
Quarter Stacks (from deadlock) – taken from stileproject, but I’ll spare you the *cough* ads.

Dog with long tongue (from deadlock). Video is hosted on stileproject, so be careful.

Sweet Christmas Lights (direct link) (from msticazn). I first saw this on the Microsoft newsgroups and was planning to upload it, but then msticazn sent me this link, so I’m decided to link you to it instead. UCSD can spare some bandwidth. It’s basically christmas lights dancing along to the song, but really awesome. The song’s really familiar, but the title slips my mind for now.

Police Hit Man in Genitals With TaserBut one of the gun’s prongs accidentally hit Miljour’s genitals and got stuck, Chitwood said. … “The Taser is relatively accurate, but when someone is moving like that, it doesn’t matter if you have a Taser, or a pistol. (Officers) can’t aim,” Chitwood said. Ouch! and we already knew officers can’t aim.

Town votes to rename itself Secretsanta.comOfficials in the northern Idaho town of Santa, Idaho, on Monday voted to rename the 115-person hamlet to hype an online gift exchange management service. … In 2000, Halfway, Oregon agreed to call itself after an Internet retailer later purchased by eBay Inc. I didn’t know had a city named after it.

Fugitive murder suspect found – on TVAn eagle-eyed investigator’s wife ended a Russian manhunt by spotting a murder suspect’s name in the credits of a television show, a newspaper said Tuesday.

Lightweight Ninja – downloaded the demo and the game was easy and fun. Somewhat like a mix between Sonic and Mario. – not really too sure what the flash video is saying, but it seems to be advertising Visual Studio 2005 in Korean. The tune’s catchy though.

PhotoBlocker – got this from a Microsoft newsgroup. Interesting things to prevent the cameras from catching your license plate #.

Throw another Skippy on the barbie?How do you like your kangaroo — medium rare? Doesn’t sound too appealing, does it? So in a bid to make Australia’s national icon more palatable, Food Companion International magazine and the Kangaroo Industry Association of Australia are running a competition to find a more palatable culinary name for the meat of the hopping marsupials.

Semi-naked models drive motorists to distractionAlmost a quarter of British motorists admit they have been so distracted by roadside billboards of semi-naked models that they have dangerously veered out of their lane. I wonder what would happen if there were fully-naked models. *whistles*

Free school breakfast menu to offer coffeeBrazil’s coffee industry has brewed up a plan to serve up to 1 million schoolchildren a free breakfast — complete with a cup of java. That’s right! Get them addicted when they’re young.

That’s incredibly beautiful…give me a hammer…If you thought art galleries were quiet havens of contemplation, think again. Looking at great works of art can inspire a strong, sometimes irresistible urge to destroy, Italian researchers have found. I don’t think it has to be art. I personally like destroying stuff. Give me a hammar and something to break, and I get tons of fun outta it. How many times have you wanted to be in one of those big wrecking ball cranes and knock buildings down? Or is that just me…? It’s like fire. It’s so cool! Yet so dangerous! If I didn’t know how much things cost, taking all my stuff to the 20-story building roof and dropping them down and see them go SPLAT sounds like something I’d have a lot of fun doing.

Metal Gear Solid 4 – HD Trailer (direct download) – got this off bittorrent. The quality is amazing, but it seems like this is probably going to be an in-game movie. I wonder how the quality of the actual game play is.

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