First, I gotta wish my buddy a happy birthday:
Happy Birthday Belldandy!
I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was enjoyable and fun. I actually got invited to a little get-together with stanman and his friends from UW. Met some of the cool people I met at the little poker tournament stanman held over a month ago: Richard, Joe, and Saran. “More” people were suppose to come, but they ditched last minute, hehe. Anyway, we had a little potluck. Everyone made these really cool dishes. All I took care was the drinks. I know, lazy me, but I did get a 12pk of Pyramid Hefe Weizen, though only 3 got drank, and none of them was by me. I hate beer for all those that know me. So I have 9 beers in my fridge right now. Saran made some salad with oil and vinegar dressing. The dressing was really good. He also made soup that consisted of shrimp, chili, and some other random vegies. Richard made the mashed potatio with garlic and gravy. The mash potato was good, but it had too many garlic skins in it, which would’ve been nice if were removed beforehand, but I’m not the one to complain. He also served the bread and butter and made the cranberry sauce which was really good. Stanman was going to make Teriyaki glazed salmon, but the Teriyaki part didn’t work out that well, so he changed it to lemon salmon, which was delicious, but a little burnt due to a little mishap during cooking. Joe was the biggest contributor. He made the ham, which was cooked. He also made the stuffing with Stove Top Stuffing. Ungsunghero tells me the inventor of Stove Top Stuffing died this Thanksgiving. He also made sweet corn kernels. I forgot who brought the strawberry pie (I’m thinking Richard), but that was good too. We had a loads of fun eating and everyong got really stuffed.
I found someone else like Liam. Richard also is a vegetarian because of environmental reasons. However he does eat fish and seafood (the fake meat). Only difference between him and Liam is that Liam eats chicken and other birds, while Richard doesn’t.
One of the interesting thing that came up during dinner was eggnog. I’ve always hated eggnog. It had a funny taste that I didn’t like. So I obviously declined. Stanman, having never tried eggnog, decided to give it a go. You should’ve seen the face he made when he drank it. Haha. Too bad we didn’t have a camera. If you haven’t figured it out yet, stanman decided never to drink eggnog again. I’ve noticed that people either really loved eggnog or really dislike eggnog. There’s really no in-between I like it somewhat. I wonder why that is…
Afterwards, we watched Shiri, a Korean movie I’ve watched with Liam, janey, cdmcc, and several other people who I don’t remember right now. The movie is fun and action packed, but didn’t really have that punch of a good film. It required some thinking, but it was like “BANG BANG BANG, Oh… so that’s what happened, BANG”. I would rather much watch something like Oldboy (trailer). Not really going to do a synopsis of it.
After Shiri ended, we played Halo 2. Since there were 5 people and only 4 controllers, we took turns. I think the order of skill went like this (from highest to lowest): Joe, Richard, stanman, Saran, me. Haha, I sucked. Though I did win most of my matches. Probably because my partner was usually good. hehe.
All in all, I had a really great time. We might be going up to Vancouver this weekend, but I’m not sure if I want to go since it is raining and all. Plus I have a dog I’m taking care for cdmcc and Elizabeth over this break and man has he caused me quite some trouble already. More on that later.